Welcome, fellow horror-fiends! This is the home of the blog formerly known as Left Overs. Let me give you a quick run-down to familiarize you with the new layout.
First and foremost, this is a review blog. The opinions expressed are my own (unless, of course, it’s an interview of some sort). Please feel free to comment on any posts that are of interest to you. I only ask that visitors keep their comments respectful. It’s possible to disagree without being rude. 🙂
Secondly, I do not accept money for my reviews. While getting paid for them would be nice, I don’t want to be accused of any bias towards or against a particular work. If you want a book of yours reviewed, please contact me. If you are an author in the horror or science fiction genre and would like a link to your page, please let me know.
I hope you enjoy the site!
~ Holly Ann