I bought this book from a discount rack at a local bookstore solely because it was a graphic novel with zombies. I was standing in line to purchase an armful of other zombie books when the yellow-orange cover caught my eye. I have mixed feelings about this book, and will probably read it again very soon. In fact, to be honest I absolutely hated it the first few times I read it.
I liked the general idea of the story, but even then I couldn’t be sure because of the erratic drawing style. I wasn’t sure if I understood everything I was meant to because I couldn’t follow the drawings. Even after reading it a few times, while I think I understand most of it I still have a nagging feeling that something is missing. I kept the book because I’m a zombie fan and I don’t like to give up on something zombie-themed.
After my latest reading, I realized that I did understand what I was meant to. The art even became easier to understand as well. I recommend this book to any graphic novel fan, as well as any artist. They may have an easier time from the outset. To anyone else who wants to give it a go, I give you this advice: don’t read too much into the novel. Sit back, relax, and let it take the course it was meant to.
(Just as an aside, it took me forever to finish this post because I kept wondering what to write. At the outset of starting this blog I promised myself I’d never tear another person’s work completely apart, especially since I don’t have anything published myself. Therefore, even though I may not give something a rave review, I still want to make sure that I find positives in the media I review.)